How Can Chemistry Doodle Notes Help Your Classroom?

Have you ever been standing in front of your classroom and realized your students had no idea what you were talking about?

You were explaining a difficult topic like quantum numbers, empirical formulas, VSEPR, etc. But your students were so lost.

Then you started to panic because bored and confused students are essentially wild monkeys on red bull.

No one wants that.

But, what if you could show your students what you are talking about?

Chemistry doodle notes show deep aspects of chemistry. They take the invisible and make it visible. They make learning easier through dual coding (psssst…that means two learning processes are happening at once). Plus, there is a whole system to the doodle notes. These are not coloring sheets.

Specifically, CoScine Chemistry Doodle Notes are created to make explaining difficult topics easier for you to teach.

Here are the 5 specific ways they take your students’ hands and walk them through the lesson:

#1 They Illustrate the Microscopic

Seeing is believing. The tiny nature of chemistry can make it hard because we can see the results of chemical laws in labs, but not the actual action itself.

Doodle notes help your students see these microscopic small principles. When students see some of these laws, rules, and principles, they can understand why some problem types have so many steps (like net ionic equations or empirical formulas).

#2 They Illustrate Difficult Concepts

Doodle notes are a nice cartoonish way to illustrate difficult concepts. For example, many students struggle with solubility rules because they get confused on how the exceptions work.

But, if you use the visual solubility rules chart, it is super clear which ion is soluble and how the exceptions to the rules work.

If there is a concept in your class that students struggle with ask yourself, “Is it because it is intangible?”.

Solubility rules are somewhat intangible.

Quantum numbers are definitely intangible. <<<Read more about quantum numbers doodle notes in the blog here).

Intermolecular forces are intangible.

Tell your students, when in confusion, draw it out.

#3 They Make Learning Fun

With Coscine Chemistry doodle notes, there are these molecule and ion guys that occasionally they pitch fits right on the page.

They are shy and unsure of what to do.

They ask obvious questions.


They act out what your students are thinking and feeling. This creates empathy and more interest in learning. Students understand that if you used this worksheet for them, they know you understand their struggle. If they think you understand them, they will try harder for you.

In short, they are there to make your students feel more comfortable asking questions.

They make learning fun, while still raising educational standards.

#4 They Make Learning Easier

Doodle notes make learning easier because all the information has been carefully, painstakingly organized in a way students understand.

The topics were broken down into subtopics. Students were watched and asked why they didn’t understand a subtopic. Colors were picked based on logic and color scheme. Yellow wasn’t just slapped on a proton.

In addition to the information being easily grasped, there are memory triggers in these doodle notes. These are in the form of color coding, a certain shaped object, pneumonic or another memory device.

Doodle notes dive deep into topics and don’t just skim the surface. For example, Molar Mass Doodle Notes give 3 different examples that show 3 levels of difficulty. Your students will understand what to do no matter what type of problems you’ve given them for homework.

#5 They Raise the Bar + Make it Fun

Not all visual notes raise the bar. There are many names for visual notes-sketch, diagram, visual, VisU Notes, and the list goes on. Many of these notes are great!

But, doodle notes have specific standards that must be met to use the trademarked name “Doodle Notes.”

So, if you see doodle notes, you know for sure that a lot of thought and effort went into them and your students will really benefit.*

See for more information on standards and approved sellers.

CoScine Creative's doodle notes use specific coloring patterns to help students learn, retain, and recall information. Emphasize to your students that they are not coloring. They are using illustration to communicate chemical ideas, theories, and principles.

Doodle Notes are Super Explainers

They help you in all these ways.

Can you imagine how helpful these are going to be for your classroom?

For the first time ever your students are going to be able see and understand chemistry in a visual way that they never have before.

​It’s a game changer. Check out the full Chemistry Doodle Note Packet here.


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